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To read more about Episode 295, visit the main episode page.

[ MUSIC: “Havana” — Camila Cabello ]

Michael Moore [00:00:38] That’s “Havana” with Camila Cabello. And this is Michael Moore. This is Rumble with Michael Moore. And I just thought it would be a nice little summer-y tune — although it doesn’t sound very happy on some level. It sounds like she wants to be in Havana, but she’s stuck in East Atlanta. Then the rest of it’s in Spanish so I can’t — I don’t know. I had three semesters of Spanish and I forgot everything because, like, I think when you learn a foreign language, you have to keep speaking it. And I’m fortunate enough to live in a country where, I don’t know, probably 20% of the country can speak Spanish or does speak Spanish at this point, but not me. Probably not a bad idea to go back and… I remember it being actually fairly easy to learn Spanish. But like most things I learned in school, I soon forgot them. I know we’re still playing the song, I know – because I like it. Let’s turn it up here. This is the… Now it goes into Spanish…  

[ MUSIC: “Havana” — Camila Cabello ]

Michael Moore [00:02:24] What is it about… I know. You know, now I sound like my parents, right? “You kids have no attention span.” [laughs] I mean, this thing about the lack of attention span, this has been going on for parents have probably always said this, right? It’s probably been hundreds of years of people complaining about their attention span. You know, John Adams was probably yelling at John Quincy Adams, “You have no attention span. Have you completely forgotten? This is America.” But, you know, now I just I think… I don’t think I’m saying anything that none of us don’t already agree with and it’s not a knock on any age group or demographic. I think there’s something about we truly do not want to remember things that happened like yesterday. You know, last week. I mean, right? I mean, think about this. Like, okay, here’s I’ll test you guys. You’re listening to me right now and I’m recording this and it’s basically been, I don’t know, maybe ten days. This is during the 4th of July week, it was really just over a week ago, right? It will be, I guess, well okay, the 4th of July is almost two weeks ago. But still, do you remember the fact that the four hottest days ever recorded and not just ever recorded since we started, you know, keeping track of temperatures with the National Weather Service, so that was probably in the 1880s, not just the four hottest days ever since the 1880s, but scientists, there’s a way now they can kind of track — don’t ask me to explain this either, all right? Just go with it because they kept saying this on the days it was happening on the, it was like July 3rd, July 4th, July 5th, “This is the hottest day in 100,000 years.” And, okay, you know, I’m going to accept that they know that. That there is a way to know it, you know, just like the rings in a tree can tell us how old the tree is. There’s something, you know, that’s, I don’t know, something that’s been left behind for 100,000 years — there’s a melted ice cream cone from 100,000 years ago that somehow got fossilized and now they can tell how frigging hot it was, you know, on that day. I don’t know what it is, but trust me on this, when you hear on the news, it’s the hottest day, not just the hottest day in July, but the hottest day like ever — what are we to do with that? I mean, really, what are we to do with that? And they’re not just talking about in the U.S.. We’re talking about the whole damn planet. 

[00:05:22] Okay. Now, you know, some of you heard this right? A week or two ago? Now, let me ask how many times have you thought about it in the last couple of weeks? In the last couple of days? Has it crossed your mind? Did you remember that it happened? Yeah. You remember now because I’m saying it. But right away, we just want to forget about it. That’s what it is. I think that we have developed in the human brain some kind of tripwire, some failsafe button that says, okay, I don’t think about this, please. I got too much going on. No, stop. That’s it. And so we don’t think about it. Somehow it stays in the brain so that you can remember it when somebody like me brings it up on a podcast. But you don’t want to remember you’re listening to me right now, you’re sitting on a beach right now listening to this, or you’re in the park or you’re out on your porch or you know, it’s summer. You know, it’s sort of a beautiful day, you know, I know it’s 129 degrees somewhere in Arizona right now, awful flooding going on elsewhere, all kinds of horror. And it’s like, now here I am bringing this up, Mr. Summer Buzzkill. And it’s like, “Dude, really, Mike, we like listening to the podcast here, but can’t you just do like a happy podcast? It’s the middle of summer. It’s the middle of July, you know, why do we need to know that the four hottest days in the last 100,000 years were just a week or two ago?” Well, because okay, now that I’ve brought it up — and I don’t want to think about it either, I mean, I started off playing this song. I was kind of in a, you know, somewhat happy mood. But then I heard that… you start to listen to the song, even the parts that are in English, you can see she’s not happy that she’s back in East Atlanta. She wants to be in Havana. It’s where she left her love. God, when do you ever hear a song in this country that uses the words Havana and love in the same sentence? Why is that? Why are we still behaving this way toward Cuba? Okay. I know. Don’t. Please don’t go there. I know. I know. 

[00:07:45] So I started paying some attention to this that we went through the four hottest days ever. And then they said that the ocean water is so warm right now. And of course, you hear that and you think, “Oh, geez, I never like to go in the ocean, it’s kind of cold. It’s nice and warm.” They were interviewing somebody down on the Florida Keys and they were saying that the water temperature today was 96 degrees. 96 degrees. That’s a hot bath you’ve drawn for yourself. And then, of course, it turns out that 96 degrees for the oceans is danger. Danger. It kills the animals in the sea. It does awful things to the coral reefs. It does a whole bunch of things that throw off our ecosystem, that put us in serious danger. We are a… If aliens from other places have ever dropped by to investigate us, I think one of the reasons they’ve never decided to stay is because the planet is 70% water. And if they’re like us, you know, they can’t walk on water so why would you stay? Like, if we had to leave this planet and go look for another planet and we were just in one of those spaceships that were just scouting around looking for a place to land, would you land on a planet where if literally if you step anywhere onto 70% of its surface, you would just sink and drown? You wouldn’t say, “Hey, let’s set up the new Earth on this planet?” No. You want to look for a place with solid ground, you know, in an atmosphere where you can breathe. I guess those would be the two big things you’d look for, right? And you know, some kind of coffee shop every few hundred feet. What would be the criteria of looking for a new place to live? Because this place is becoming quite unlivable. We can’t survive with the oceans at 96 degrees. That’s death. 

[00:10:02] But that was on the news this week and I had already forgotten about it until I just sat down now and I started thinking, “Yeah, you know, not only was it the hottest day in 100,000 years, it has heated up the temperature of the oceans, and now the oceans are in a state of catastrophe. I don’t want to think about that. I don’t want to think about it.” See, my brain’s trying to protect me because, right, we all know the happier we are, the better our health just internally, right? You got to get through the day and you don’t want to be thinking about the end is here. You’re better not to think about it, right? Not do anything about it. Well, “No, no, we’ve got to do something about it.” Remember last month on one of these podcasts, I talked to you about the day the sky turned orange in New York. I mean, literally, it was like science fiction. Of course my first thought was, “Man, if I ever want to film a scene in the future where literally at two in the afternoon, it’s so dark out where the sky is so, you know, orange, dark, dark orange…” All the streetlights that come on automatically at night, came on at two in the afternoon. I went out on the street, I couldn’t see maybe, maybe four blocks down the street? That’s it. After that it was just a wall of… Like a fog wall, because it was all the Canadian smoke. The fire’s up in Canada. 

[00:11:39] But how many of you have been thinking about the fires in Canada the last few days? Not me. You? No, right? They’re still burning, you know that? They’re still burning. I just looked this up here just before I turned on the microphone here. You’ve got over 500 out of control fires still burning in Canada as we speak. You know, mostly, you know, forest fires. And just because we’re lucky, because of how the wind is shifted or whatever, so the sky isn’t orange. I’m not breathing smoke particles, whatever, and yet it is still with us right now. And I know. I know — you’re on the beach, you’re listening to me, you’ve already turned this off, because it’s like, “Where is he going with this? Nothing but doom and gloom, Mike.” Yeah, but no, it’s not so much that. I just want to know why I haven’t thought about it. How did I forget that I looked out, it was two in the afternoon, and it looked like the earth, like something had hit us. Everything was on fire. The sun was like a bright little speck in the sky. Because we don’t want to think about it. Who could blame us, right? Our brain doesn’t want us to think about it. Hmm. 

[00:13:04] Okay, so think about this, all right? Last Thursday, just last Thursday, there was a massive solar storm. That’s a storm that starts on the sun and has these explosions and blows itself across the solar system. The solar storm can get to us in sometimes a few days, maybe a week. So on Thursday, though, you know, actually the scientists they have, NASA, they have names for different parts of the sun, like that’s the northwestern part or the southwestern part. But they also have names for sunspots, you know, the big what are called sunspots. So on Thursday, Sunspot AR-3372. You’ve been there, right? Right? No? Never taken a vacation there on sunspot AR-3372? It’s there. And on Thursday, it had eight separate explosions. Just like these massive bomb-like explosions. That blew out these solar particles, created a solar wind, and made its way to Earth in record time and caused a rolling blackout — this is last Thursday — across our entire planet. Basically the blackout wasn’t so much… It wasn’t electricity this time. It was the radio waves that we use for radio and other forms of communication, whatever, on the planet. And they just went dark. They just went dead for a series of minutes across the entire planet Earth. Did you hear about this? Are you hearing this for the first time? You did not know that last Thursday there was a series of blackouts across our entire planet because our magnetic field that is protecting us from solar storms… All right the only reason the Earth is still alive, the only reason I’m able to binge on certain streaming shows on Netflix and elsewhere is because there’s a magnetic field protecting us. You know, Mars, billions of years ago, had the same magnetic field made of the same material that protected it from the sun. And so at that time, Mars — I only know this because I was watching Nova on PBS. It’s the middle of the summer, I know what you’re thinking, “Mike, you really gotta get out more. I mean, you can still make friends at your age. It’s okay when you’re sitting in the middle of the summer watching a PBS rerun on a show called Nova.” Yes, I was. Yes, I admit it. I was. And I’m not that uninteresting or boring or whatever. I just was mesmerized by the story of Mars and how a few billion years ago, there was so much water on Mars, it was covered with water. How much was it covered? Well, quite a bit. Like us. 70%. “Ohh we couldn’t go to Mars. Where could we build condos with all that water?” Shut up. Just listen to the story. Okay, So. So NOVA tells me that it had so much water there was this one place, it was like our Niagara Falls. It was this huge falls, water gushing over and over into this huge like canyon, except this waterfall on Mars is estimated to have been over six miles wide. Wide. And then the length of it was like 60 miles. It’s like I can’t even fathom what that means. But that’s how much water was on Mars. And they have volcanoes, which with fire. So they had fire, they had water, they had these elements and what we’re looking for for life in the universe. And I started thinking, “Why are we looking for life in the universe? If life was really that close to us and then no longer was, A) why wasn’t it? And B) you know, maybe, maybe in a way that we can’t figure it out in our own solar system, maybe we don’t need to travel a gazillion miles to find it. Maybe it’s right here. But for some reason, the electromagnetic field protecting Mars, you know, up in its atmosphere from the solar storms that are constantly erupting, uh failed. And that basically that was the end of Mars as an Earth-like planet. And it became just essentially this desert planet with red sand. The red planet. 

[00:18:13] So then I started looking up just how thick is this electromagnetic field that’s supposed to protect us. Like this could happen to us. What if it went out? What if it went out? What would happen? Well, of course, what would happen is it would be the end of us. Are we thinking about that at all ever? You can look all this up, these things I’m teling you. I looked a little further. Do you realize that there was a solar storm that got through our field? I guess that happens maybe every sometimes every hundred years, every few hundred years. Back in 1859, a solar storm made its way through Earth’s shield. Now, see, we didn’t have electricity back then. We didn’t have, you know, an electrical grid. I mean, we knew what electricity was because I think Ben Franklin flew a kite, there was a key on the kite and the lightning bolt hit the kite. Is that right? I don’t know. Something we learned in fifth grade. So they knew what electricity was, but they hadn’t figured out a way to harness it to use it, which they would by the end of the 1800s. And suddenly there were, you know, lights in our homes and lights on the city streets and whatever. So in 1859, it made it through. We did have one thing that was sort of, let’s just say, electronically based. It was the first thing that we had set up as humans where we weren’t communicating with smoke signals, Pony Express. We need to get a message somewhere, the telegraph in the 1800s was invented, and by just clicking two pieces of metal together and sending it out through a wire, you could send a message to somebody ten miles away, a hundred miles away. And eventually they were able to string up after, you know, slaughtering enough Native Americans a wire or two or three across the entire country. And you literally could send a telegraph message from New York to California. And it was revolutionary at the time. That in the railroads, which again, the transcontinental railroad happened around the same time, it was the reason that they eventually they had to invent the idea of time zones because think about this… Before the telegraph or the railroad, why would you need to know what time it was in California if you’re on the East Coast? Because you didn’t want to wake anybody up? There was no need for you to know what time it was out there because there was no way you were going to talk to anybody out there. Or no, “I need to get this… They need to get this by 5:00 today.” Well, that’s not going to happen. There was no way to fly out there. There was no way to get a message out there. We’re talking about just in the 1800s. We’re not even talking 200 years ago, right? I know you didn’t tune into this for a history and science lesson here today, but when I heard that there were these eight, like, bombs that went off in the sun on this one sunspot, AR-3372, and it shot all this solar shit across Venus, across Mercury, across wherever else was out there and it hits us and it causes a radio blackout last Thursday — don’t you think we should know about this? You know, I just found out about it because I was looking up the stuff about why are there still 500 fires in Canada? And then I learned that there was a solar storm. And in reading about the solar storm of 1859, they said had we had electricity back then — that if we had like the electrical grid that we have, you know, like there’s the East Coast grid and the West Coast grid and you know how Texas remember how they’ve got their own grid. They didn’t want to be attached to anybody else’s grid so when it went down a couple of winters ago and people froze to death, but at least they got to, Texas still gets to have their own grid — that a solar storm, if it hit the grid, it would put the grid out. It literally could knock out the grid. A storm the size of the one that took place in 1859. 

[00:22:48] And if that happens, if, like, let’s say just even one section of the country, just let’s say the Northeast, the grid goes down… That’s it, folks. Not it, as in the planet blows up or anything. It just means that — what do you need electricity for? Well, how about to pump the water? How about just to get water into your house? To get the water from wherever the water is coming from. We aren’t the Romans, you know. It’s not a series of aqueducts that are essentially using gravity. You need electricity the way we have our modern systems set up to have the pumps function and make it into your faucet. And humans can last, what, four days? If you don’t drink water, any water, nothing, no liquids in four days, essentially, the human body gives up. So if you lose the electrical grid, there’s no backup grid you know that, right? There’s no backup grid. In this one article I read, like if the East Coast grid went out, it would take anywhere from 6 to 8 months to rebuild it, to repair it. What do you think it’s going to look like in Boston or New York City or, you know, Pittsburgh or whatever, when suddenly people can’t drink water? When the basic things that we use electricity for, for life, our lives, our daily lives are gone. And again, the more I dig into this, I’m thinking, “It’s summer. Why are you reading this stuff? Put the music back on.” Actually this is the only we’re going to have to shut me down. Let’s just put the music… I don’t want to be thinking about Sunspot AR-3372, and the eight explosions it had last Thursday, how it made it to Earth and knocked out a lot of our radio systems for a period of time. What’s that got to do with me? I’m on strike. I’m a member of the Writers Guild and I’m a member of the Screen Actors Guild, and that’s what I’m going to focus on. And whatever it is I’m bingeing on here in July on TV because that’s just where I want my head right now. I want it. Yes. You can turn. You can turn the music up. Yes. Here we go. There we go. Think of Havana. Yes. Much better now. Much better…

[ MUSIC: “Havana” — Camila Cabello ]

Michael Moore [00:26:01] Okay, so anyways, before we move on to happier news hopefully, let me thank the underwriters for this episode of Rumble with Michael Moore, and much appreciation to them for supporting my voice. And first up, of course, is Shopify. Thank you, Shopify. Rumble listeners have heard me talk about Shopify many times. Shopify is what’s called a commerce platform that’s revolutionizing millions of businesses around the world, and especially small businesses, but also nonprofits and schools and just people at home wanting to get their own thing going and be their own boss. So whether you are running your own business out of your garage or you’ve got a storefront in town or you’re setting up shop virtually from the comfort of your couch, Shopify is the all-in-one tool that can help you start, run and grow your own business. And they make it really easy. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders and shipping payments from anywhere. Plus, Shopify’s award-winning help is there to support you every step of the way. There’s a reason that millions of people across 170 countries have chosen Shopify. So if you’ve got an idea for your own shop, sign up for a $1 per month trial period at and make sure you write “rumble” in all lowercase. Go to to take your business to the next level today. That’s 

[00:27:37] I’d also like to thank another longtime Rumble supporter, and that is Moink. Moink, of course, is the subscription service that gives you access to the freshest sustainably sourced meat and fish delivered straight to your door, all while supporting small American family farms. Their whole ethos at Moink is to help keep rural America financially independent from Big Agriculture. And the meat, I’m telling you, as an omnivore, frankly, is delicious. You get to choose what is delivered in every box from rib eyes to chicken wings, pork chops, salmon filets, whatever you’re in the mood for. Plus, you can cancel this at any time. I’m telling you, my friends, it feels good knowing exactly where your meat is coming from. So keep American farming going by signing up at right now, and listeners of this show get free ground beef for a year. That’s one year of the best ground beef you’ll ever taste, but it’s only for a limited time. So, got that? All right. Thank you Moink for helping me out here with this podcast and thank you for supporting the smaller family farms. It’s much appreciated. 

[00:29:02] What the hell is wrong with Robert F Kennedy Jr.? What is going on with this guy? I mean, I met him like, years ago, he was a nice guy. He was a good guy, he was doing good things and then all of a sudden over these years he’s like, lost his mind or something. I don’t know. I don’t know how to say this. And it’s like… You know what I’m talking about, right? Geez. Anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist. He believes the vaccines may be responsible for HIV. Even back when we started doing vaccines in the early part of the 20th century, what was called the Spanish flu, that could have been a result of it. He’s been questioning all this stuff, which, again, I’m not against ever questioning the government when they tell us something. You should always question the FDA. Please don’t shut down the part of your self that as a citizen in a democracy, we should always be — always be — questioning what we’re told. But Robert Kennedy Jr is all over the map. And last Thursday, while the sun’s exploding, he’s having a little, I don’t know, political fundraiser for his candidacy for president of the United States. All of a sudden he says something… Oh, I know what it was. See, I put this out of my head. I don’t want to think about this. Robert Kennedy Jr. says something to the effect — and he’s kind of just positing, you know, he’s just kind of thinking out loud — he said that there’s a reason that Jews and Chinese people aren’t getting COVID. See I can’t even… I can’t even say this the right way, because in fact, The New York Post, actually posted video of him saying the stuff that the COVID virus itself is directed at white people and black people, but not Jews and Chinese. Okay, see, I even hate to repeat this stuff because it’s so wack a doodle. Except now I read on Seymour Hersh’s Substack yesterday or the day before — you know Seymour Hersh, right? Those of you old enough to remember, he’s one of the most important investigative reporters of the last century, the first one to expose the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War. Really, really good soul, great writing. And he writes about how he heard through his channels that there is talk somewhere — whether it’s with the Trump people or the Robert Kennedy Jr. people I don’t know where, he doesn’t cite his source — but basically there are discussions going on that perhaps Robert Kennedy Jr could be Trump’s running mate in next year’s election. There. I said it. Okay, I know. Don’t freak out, but it’s like… 

[00:32:39] This is the kind of stuff that’s going on right now. And what do we do with it? I don’t know what else to say about that, except there’s so many people that, you know, I got to tell you, you know, I do as I tell you, I read the emails you send me here. I read your comments on Substack, on this podcast, and there are way, way too many of you writing to me right now — you good people, my fans, those of you who listen to this — there’s too many of you writing and telling me, “Mike, you should have Robert Kennedy Jr on on the podcast! Have you heard what he said about COVID? You got to have him on!” And I’m like, “No, no, you’re my friends. Don’t. You’re not saying this to me, right? Oh, you are saying it. You mean you really didn’t get… Oh, wow.” Okay, look, I’m not going to deal with it today because I’ve already wrecked your beach day, you listening to this, but my friends, this is not a conspiracy. And look, I’m the one saying this. I’m the one that has — you’ve watched my movies for years, you’ve read my books, you’ve listened to this podcast. You know, I’m the last one to believe what the people in power are telling us is the truth, because we’ve been lied to our entire lives. And that the best way to be a good citizen in a democracy is to be skeptical and to ask questions and to never accept the things that those in power, especially those who hold financial power over us when they tell us things there, it should be treated with skepticism and we should all ask questions. That’s a good thing to do in a free society, or one we want to believe is a free society. And so I know a lot of you who don’t trust all this stuff with COVID, and the vaccines and all this other related stuff, you’re doing the right thing by questioning it. But sometimes the government, is telling us the truth. There you go, I said it. 

[00:35:27] Actually, a lot of times they’re telling us the truth because they want to live to. They have a vested interest in that millions upon millions of us don’t die from a disease or a virus, from the solar storm that is on its way to Earth right now. Fortunately, they have the same desire to live that we have. And then but somehow… Some of you… Oh, I don’t know what to say. I wish I could just give you a big hug. I know you’re thinking, “Oh, Mike, you fell for it. Yeah, you fell for it.” No. I think I’m a… I don’t know. I’m a relatively intelligent person. I ask the questions that need to be asked. I reject the lies that are told to us. I fight against them. You do too. But not everything is a lie. And if our minds get so warped by all the crap we have to deal with, that we just don’t believe anything anymore, how are we going to function? No, I will not have Robert Kennedy Jr on this podcast spewing out crazy stuff that somehow somebody bioengineered this possibly so that Jews and Chinese are protected. Frankly, it doesn’t look like the Chinese were protected at all. So now it just sounds like some anti-Semitic Jewish conspiracy. “You know, they run the world. They gave the rest of us COVID.” So why? Why would they? Why would they do that? “Well, I don’t know, but I heard Robert Kennedy Jr say it. He’s Robert Kennedy’s son.” Okay. Yeah, I know, I… Oh, my God, what would he be feeling now, seeing his son, his namesake, saying and doing these things? Wow. His mom’s alive. Bobby Kennedy’s widow, Ethel Kennedy, still alive. All his siblings, everybody in the family. I know. I mean, they’ve written op eds about it, and they’re kind of devastated themselves by all this. And the fact that he might possibly try to have something to do with Trump coming back into power in some weird way. Well, we don’t want to believe that. I don’t believe it. I can’t believe it. I can’t. No. No. My brain can’t handle all this. It’s too much. I want to believe something else. I want to enjoy this summer day. 

[00:38:48] Well, I don’t know. These were the thoughts on my mind on this summer’s day. And, um… 

[ MUSIC: “Havana” — Camila Cabello ]

Michael Moore [00:39:08] Ha! Well, thanks, Angie. Angie just put the music back on to cheer me up. Havana mmm. Da da da da da. East Atlanta..da da da… 

[00:39:27] I mean, this is where we’re at folks. I know it feels like one rabbit hole after another that we’re sliding down. But there are millions of us, millions of us who are sick and tired of this, who don’t believe in this way of living. Millions and millions and millions and millions of us. You’ve got to — if I leave you with one thing, I leave you with that. I’m not going to play any more Havana for you, I promise. In fact, what I want to do is leave you with this beautiful version of the Beatles song Blackbird. Angie actually ran across this online. And there’s a public high school in Nova Scotia, in Canada. And this young woman, Emma Stevens, is her name, I think? Yes, Emma Stevens. And they put together this recording and they decided to sing it in the native language, a native tongue of the native peoples of that part of Canada, the Mi’kmaq tribe, which is one of the largest tribes, was one of the largest tribes in eastern Canada and in the northeast of the United States. And like all these tribes and peoples all over the earth, native peoples had their own language. Most of these languages now have been lost, forgotten, nobody speaks them. The U.N. has been trying to record and keep for posterity a record of these human languages. And so they decided at this high school to record The Beatles song Blackbird in the Native language. And I, for whatever reason, I just thought I’d leave you with this today. Emma Stevens from Allison Bernard Memorial High School in Nova Scotia.

Hang in there, everybody. I’ll come back with more happy news next week. All is not lost. We still have an electromagnetic field, the one that protects our atmosphere. And the ones that protect our hearts. Be well. This is Michael Moore. Thanks to my executive producer and editor, Angela Vargos. And this is Blackbird. 

[ MUSIC: “Blackbird” sung by Emma Stevens ]